Curriculum-Course Descriptions:

ENGLISH: (4 Credits)

Subject Title: Basic English (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the fundamentals of English for effective communication. Capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and spelling are covered, with an aim toward writing clearer sentences. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: April 

Subject Title: Practical English (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn to develop writing skills by emphasizing sentence structure, paragraphs, letters, and compositions. Opens with a study of grammar, including the parts of speech, punctuation, spelling and word usage. Explains the writing process and emphasizes an individual approach. Five exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Connie 

Subject Title: Written Communication (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn step-by-step instructions for handling sentence structure, paragraphing, punctuation, grammar, and pronunciation. Emphasizes practical writing techniques and library research. It shows you ways to increase vocabulary, understand others better, and express yourself with confidence. Eight exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: April 

Subject Title: Literature (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the reading of short stories, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. Intended to give a deeper appreciation of the relationship between literature and life, and of the pleasures and benefits of reading. Seven exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Connie 

MATHEMATICS: (4 Credits)

Subject Title: Algebra 1 (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn basic operations with signed numbers, monomial and polynomials. It also Includes formulas, equations, inequalities, graphing, exponents, roots, quadratic equations, and algebraic fractions. Six exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Sharon 

Subject Title: Algebra II (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn algebraic functions, ratios, proportions, logarithms, variations, progressions, theorems, matrices, determinants, inequalities, permutations and probability. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Carlos 

Subject Title: Geometry (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the properties of points, lines, planes, and angles; polygons and triangles; circles; solids. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Sharon 

Subject Title:
Calculus (prerequisite Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry) (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn derivative of a function and the applications of derivatives, the integral and how to use it and methods of integration. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Marc 

SCIENCE: (3 Credits)

Subject Title: Earth Science (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn about the scientific method, the formation of the solar system, the moon’s phases, the movement of the earth, plate tectonics, the formation of the oceans and erosion. It also looks at chemical principles, rock and mineral analysis, soil formation and weather patterns. Six exams
Program Used; Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Sandra 

Subject Title: Biology (1 Credit)
Course Description
Students learn the characteristics of life, the chemistry of cells, and the links between life and energy. Discusses evolution, ecosystems, biological kingdoms, and adaptation. It also covers human body systems and activities. Five exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Jay 

Subject Title: Physical Science (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the study of matter and energy: their nature and the relationships between them. Explains the role of atomic structure in chemical and nuclear reactions. Emphasizes problem-solving skills and discusses the relationship between science, technology, and the environment. Covers topics such as water, the chemistry of building materials, fuels, natural and synthetic rubbers and plastics, energy in relation to motion and force, machines, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. Six exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Sandra 


Subject Title: U.S. Government (0.5 credit) six exams
Course Description:
Students will learn key concepts associated with being an American. They will learn
about the state, national and local governments. They will also learn about key issues,
court cases and documents that have shaped the United States into the country that it is
Learning Objectives
 After completing U.S. Government, students will be able to:
 Demonstrate knowledge of the political philosophies that shaped the development
of the United States government.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the United States Constitution.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of government.
 Explain key features of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
 Explain reasons for the creation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative process including the roles played by
leadership and committees.
 Explain the differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate
including the powers afforded to the house.
 Describe how the government if funded.
 Demonstrate knowledge of how foreign relations are conducted.
 Describe the various roles played by the President of the United States.
 Explain the functions of the departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the election process.
 Demonstrate the history and functions of political parties.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the function and responsibilities of the federal
 Demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights.
 Differentiate between civil and criminal law.
 Demonstrate knowledge

 Demonstrate knowledge of the powers and responsibilities of state and local governments.

Program used: Encore

Primary Teacher:- Virtual Assistant: Erica

Subject Title: Economics (0.5 credit) six Exams
Course Description:
This course will give the students a better understanding of economics ranging from the
viewpoint of the individual consumer or small business owner to the global economy.
The student will study the law of supply and demand, forms of business, labor unions,
finances and influence on the economy, money and prices, inflation and deflation cycles.
This study unit relates history and politics to the study of economics.

Learning Objectives
After completing Economics, students will be able to:
 Understand different economic systems used throughout the world.
 Understand the nature of, changes in, and elasticity of supply and demand.
 Identify the benefits and limitations of the price system and how prices are
managed and determined.
 Explain how markets are competitive, and how they are regulated.
 Identify and differentiate the types of business organizations that exist.
 Understand the role of labor unions, their history, and how they affect the
 Demonstrate knowledge regarding capital and its sources.
 Develop economic ways of thinking.

Program Used: Encore

Primary Teacher-Virtual Assistant: Erica

Subject Title: American History (0.5 credit)
Course Description
Students learn about the discussion of people, events, and sociopolitical forces that have shaped America, from its discovery to the present. Shows how American history affects today’s events and global conditions. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Erica 

Subject Title: Civics (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of American citizens. Reviews the roots of the American government and studies the modern U.S. government, its branches, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the roles of federal, state and local governments, political parties and elections. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Erica 

Subject Title: World History (0.5 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the study of global history with attention focused on important facts and significant concepts. Includes considerable discussion of recent world affairs, and the past is viewed in terms of current forces and problems. Four exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Leroy 

ARTS & HUMANITIES: (2.5 Credits)

Subject Title: Orientation (0.5 credit)
Course Description
Students learn an overview of the High School Program, including such topics as your program study materials, using Keystone website, establishing study schedules, building your vocabulary, and preparing for and taking an examination. It also covers an introduction to the personal computer; Windows® programs; word processing, spreadsheet, and database software; the Internet; and electronic mail. Two Exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Beverly 

Subject Title: Human Relations (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn methods of analyzing and improving relations with other people in personal life and working environments. Accents, individual productivity, teamwork, working relationships, dealing with frustration, organizing, repairing relationships and maintaining one’s attitude. Three exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Beverly 

Subject Title:
Reading Skills (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn techniques applicable to any type of reading. Includes reviewing, predicting, scanning, finding the main idea and drawing conclusions. Discusses how to determine word meanings by examining context clues, and differentiating fact from opinion to identify bias. It also covers poetry and fiction. Three exams
Program Used: Encore

Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Beverly

HEALTH: (0.5 credit) & PHYSICAL EDUCATION: (0.5 credit) (1 Credit)

Subject Title: Fitness & Nutrition (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn the forms and functions of the muscular, cardio, respiratory and skeletal systems. Discusses the role of energy and mechanisms for transferring it to exercise. It shows you how to adapt exercise programs for those with special needs, and how to prevent and treat injuries. Describes the details of proper nutrition. Six exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Samuel 

BIBLE: (2 Credits)

Subject Title: Bible I (1 credit) 

Subject Title: Bible II (1 credit)


Subject Title: Spanish 1 (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn to articulate speaking, active reading, and comprehensive listening. Covers the details of Spanish vocabulary and grammar, and improves fluency through listening to and creating stories. It enables you to learn and use the language for business situations and other purposes. Six exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Maria 

Subject Title: Spanish II (1 credit)
Course Description
Students learn to enhance proficiency in Spanish through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach to language learning. There is continued emphasis on the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and on the acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar. Cross-cultural understanding is fostered and real-life applications are emphasized throughout the course. Six exams
Program Used: Encore
Primary Teacher- Virtual Assistant: Nicholas

Keystone Virtual Science Laboratory:
Topic: Heat- Heat plays an integral role in the dynamics of physical science. Heat is a
form of energy that can cause changes in states of matter and initiate chemical reactions.
These experiments will examine various aspects of heat the various units of heat
measurements, expansion and contraction, the rules of heat transmission, and the forces
on combustion as they apply to engine operation in Virtual Reality.           

                                                                                                                              Keystone Virtual Science Laboratory
 The Nature of Heat                                                                                       
 Heat Energy in a Body
 Sources of Heat Energy
 Temperature and Heat Energy
 The Thermometer
 English and Metric Thermometer Scales
 Absolute Temperature
 Unit of Heat Energy
 Specific Heat
 Measuring Heat Energy in Virtual settings

The Effects of Temperature Changes on Solids (Experiments)
 Expansion and Contraction
 Coefficients of Linear Expansion
 Calculating Expansion
 Calculating Contraction

The Effects of Temperature Changes on Liquids and Gases (Experiments)
 Calculating Volume Changes in Liquid
 Calculating Changes in Gases

Transmission of Heat Energy (Experiments)
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation
 Reflection and Absorption
 How a Thermos Bottle Works

Change of State (Experiments)
 Different Forms of the Same Substance
 Critical Temperature
 Latent Heat
 Solidification (Freezing)
 Evaporation
 Practical Application of the Change of State (Difficult for some students)

Fuel Combustion (Experiments) (Students whose career centered are most interested in
these experiments)
 Fuel Ignition
 Common Types of Fuels
 Heating Value of Fuels

Keystone is planning on introducing the following lab projects to our students in the future).
Internal-Combustion Engines:
 Principles of Internal Combustion                                                             
 The basic Parts of an Internal-Combustion Engine
 The Four Stages of Engine Operation
 The Diesel Engine
 The Gas Turbine

Jet-Propelled Engines:
 The Basic Principles of Jet Propulsion
 The Turbojet Engine
 Rocket Engines

Keystone students will have a clear understanding of the importance of heat as an energy
The amount of heat energy contained in a body governs its temperature. Common units
for measuring temperature are degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, and degrees Kelvin.
The following are some important terms students will learn or have learned in the
process of the above-mentioned laboratory experiments-exercises:
 Temperature. A term used to indicate the hotness or coldness of a body.
 Degree. The unit of temperature change.
 Absolute zero. The temperature at which the motion of the molecules of a body

 Celsius scale. Used to express temperatures in the metric system of measurement.
 Fahrenheit scale. Used to express temperatures in the English system of
 Kelvin scale. Used to express absolute temperatures in the metric system of
 Rankine scale. Used to express absolute temperatures in the English system of
 Btu. The abbreviation for the British thermal unit, the amount of heat energy
required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.
 Joule. The standard SI unit used to measure energy.
 Heat capacity. Amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit
mass of a material one degree.

Test Requirements:

SAT:                                                   ACT or PLAN:

Critical Reading = 430                     English = 15            

Mathematics = 430                           Reading = 17

                                                           Mathematics = 16

Please note the state of Florida's requirements.

Graduation requirements:

Credit requirements: 24

The minimum passing grade is 75% (C)

GPA requirements: Minimum 2.0 on a 4.0 Scale using all credits. 


Curriculum-Course Descriptions