FEDERAL STUDENT AID                                                                                                     Space Exploration

Updated Students & Parents Manual                                                                                  The Solar System



To be successful in an online class the student must be a self-starter, with a strong sense of direction and the ability to set goals and follow through with them. A disciplined online student can work independently, stay on task and maintain a regular schedule, such as keeping up with the readings, course assignments, homework, and other expectations. The content of online courses is generally rigorous as those found in traditional classroom settings. 


The academic counselor will establish the student eligibility requirements (i.e. grade level, course selections, and enrollment status). 
Keystone has an open enrollment policy.
The academic calendar of the teacher/online instructor and students who enroll in the class should be established prior to enrollment. The school counselor must be involved in the coordination of the scheduling process, to ensure that proper documentation is established for credit acceptance, and to verify that the student does not exceed the guideline established by the State for purposes of pupil accounting.


Keystone National High School prohibits discrimination based on arbitrary considerations of such characteristics as age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion or veteran status.


The student will follow a prescribed application and a structured learning process. Students must have a contract agreeing to complete assigned courses and all required assignments. This contract also requires a parent signature, if the student is 16 years old, or 17 years old and under parental supervision.

Once the contract is signed, the only release will be in the event of the student withdrawing from school, or according to the terms of the said contract.


The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the confidentiality of your records. 

Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts,

  1.  If you are taking high school courses and you are 17 years old or younger, your parents or legal guardians hold the rights to authorize Keystone National High School to release your student records to third parties. In other words, your parents or guardians hold the FERPA rights for that course or those courses.

  2. If you are taking high school courses and you are 18 or older, you hold the FERPA rights for that course or those courses, and we may not release your records to your parents or guardians without your written permission.
  3. If you were 17 years old or younger at the time of enrollment and turn 18 while still registered for a high course or high courses, you assume the FERPA rights for that course or those courses, and we may not release your records to your parents without your written permission.

  4. Keystone National High School WILL NOT release student records to any third party without the written consent of the student, parents or guardians as specified above.    



All students participating in our online courses are expected to conduct their communications in a professional and respectful manner. The use of proper Internet etiquette is expected at all times. Inappropriate language or behavior will result in disciplinary action and possible termination from the course.

Virtual/online courses will be listed on the student's master schedule.

All grades assigned will be part of the student's permanent record, and will be included in the cumulative Grade Point Average. (GPA)


It is the sole responsibility of the student working outside the local school setting to have access to equipment that meets the minimum requirements as specified in the online course descriptions handbook.


We are aware that funds can be limited at times. It is for this reason that we allow students to pay small scheduled installments for the entire program.

Most payments are directed through PAYPAL, which is one of the world's most encrypted and secure online payment systems.

The cost for the program is $1,020.00 US, which will be 30 scheduled installments at $34.00 each month.


VISA                                                                                                                                  Enrollment Application
AMERICAN EXPRESS                                                                                                STUDENT FIVE YEAR PLAN              
DEBIT CARD with a Visa or Mastercard logo                                                       Updated Student Five Year Plan
Please click on the PayPal subscribe button at the bottom of this page to enroll in Keystone's program.
Please click here to donate to the school project.       

Please Note: All transactions will be administered via the Internet in our real-time e-commerce office. Once we receive your initial down payment of the first installment of $34.00 U.S. you will be contacted via e-mail with a confirmation receipt and a letter of admission to this school.


All registered students are assigned a unique login ID and password, which will enable our system to identify you as an active student at our virtual school.


For the past several years, technology approaches to plagiarism and cheating prevention have focused on detection, meaning the ability for institutions to utilize software to analyze student papers, and to detect whether or not content was plagiarized or assisted by others, other than the designated student. Keystone National High School utilizes detection software products that use various methods to accomplish its analysis including, but not limited to text matching indexed sources, style analysis of content, and tests requiring students to fill in blanks in their course work. This detection technology is based on matching text from previous course work, first time signed in, attitude, and most importantly, the sensation of mood swings.

If a student attempts cheating three times in a course the system will display a warning sign, and if continued, that student will be automatically logged out and will be barred from proceeding any further without the assistance of the administrator. The administrator will then be notified via e-mail of the issue with the student, upon the discretion of the administrator the student may be allowed to continue, be dropped from that course, or even be dismissed from the entire program. Plagiarism and cheating are very serious issues, especially in virtual settings. We believe that our automation software and detection technology will prevent plagiarism and cheating in our virtual learning environment.

Thank you for choosing Keystone National High School, we look forward to serving your needs. You could be on your way towards earning your high school diploma.

God bless you all.